Once more so beautiful creature in the family of cobra, it's shield-nosed cobra, shield-nosed cobra is also unique cobra, because beside it's nose is like shield or shovel, this shield-nosed looks unique looking, it's stand it's self from the body and looks like a funny hood.
Shield-nosed cobra is found is Africa and like other cobra snakes, this species is in the category of venomous snake. Here I shared and tagged some beautiful photos of shield-nosed cobra snakes that there are cute one, standing one, and in the tub, as you can see the pictures below
Shield-nosed Cobra
There is some fact of this Shield nosed cobra snake as I linked from snake-n-scales.com it said "A Shield-Nosed Cobra, which, is not actually actually a genuine cobra, but a cobra imitator using a very minor hood. It is usually a burrower, meaning the shield on there’s nose is really a shovel. It termed as a “Shovel nosed sort-of-cobra.” They're from the cobra group, the elapids but a cobra can’t dig its very own burrow. True cobras take in the previous tenant and control you the subterranean apartment."