Giant Anacondas
In all of time the first recorded sightings of giant anacondas were only from the time on the discovery of South America region, that's when early European explorers make entered the dense of the jungles there they claimed to own seen and know the giant anaconda snakes that measuring as much as 18 meters or 59 feet in the length. The Natives people there had also reported seeing giant anaconda snakes as well over 10.5 meters up to 18 meters/59 feet of the length.
The longest reputably giant anacondas that have been measured and confirmed the anacondas were about 7.5 meters/25 feet as long.
Giant Anaconda Pictures

Giant Anaconda Illustration

Giant Anaconda photo by Wayne Lynch

Giant Anaconda Barcroft Media, Giant Anaconda Eating Aligator

Giant Anaconda in an Island

Recent Giant Anaconda 2012 in the Water 23 feet

Stupid Funny Giant Anaconda Statue

Giant Anaconda with Huge Body

Giant Anaconda Eats Deer
Giant Anaconda Records

Recent Giant Anaconda 2012 in the Water 23 feet, I was amazed how huge it is.

Giant Anaconda/Python Snake with Child
Giant Anaconda Records
In other record of giant anaconda snakes the lengths of 50 up to 60 feet
do happen to be reported with this species, but there have been such
extremes lack verification, and also to add deficit of the large prey to
guide a brilliant-large snake.
Other record notes that there the
two sole reliable claims which can be found describe measured very huge
anaconda snakes which are ranging from 26 and to 32 feet length, it's
incredible and wonderful!, but it's although these remain unverified.
the recent researches huge anaconda snakes above 7 meters or 23 feet
are rare. But this current times there has been reported the
huge snake
with 23 feet in the water. Instead the Wildlife Conservation Society has
it, it's because the early twentieth century, offered a substantial
cash reward for live delivery of any giant anaconda snake with 30 feet
or can be more in total, however the prize hasn't been claimed, rapidly
numerous sightings of giant anacondas. Source