In Biology science there are many unique lessons that we could learn, like in the cobra snakes, as I posted yesterday there are variety types and species of cobra Naja, and it's so interesting facts from different many countries that we can learn such as African cobra,
Indian Cobra, Egyptian Cobra, Chinese Cobra, etc, and now is for Philippine Cobra.
As it's name Philippine cobra or northern Philippine cobra is cobra that's native to Philippine, exactly in northern region of Philippines. This snake has also several names, it's called "Ulupong" by Tagalog society and In some regions like Cebuona Bisaya it's called "Agwason".
Philippine Cobra
Philippine cobra is a venomous snake like other cobra Naja snake species, but it's venom is highly dangerous, this snake is the type of stocky snake that has high toxic venom. This Philippine cobra also a spitting cobra that can spit the venom to the animal or other creature as his attack or defend.
The Philippine cobra eats small mammals, toads, frogs, fishes, other snakes, rats, mice, and lizards, but oppositely this snake also have some predators that will threat them or attack them such as people/human, mongoose, birds of prey (eagle, hawk, etc), king cobra, big rats and more. In this page I shared some photos of the Philippine cobra snakes that hopefully can explain and make the info to be more detail, thanks.